SPIRAL AND EYELET – Kindle 2 Cover

About this pattern: the second Kindle 2 cover I knit for myself (after losing my first Kindle and first cover).  This is a nice design because it has good coverage, but still retains from of the visual interest from lace knitting.

Attention: I did not gauge this pattern.  It is useful to work this with your Kindle 2 handy, so that you can ‘try it on’ as you knit (if you don’t have a Kindle 2, you can look up the dimensions online and create a correctly sized cardboard cut out).  The pattern below reflects my natural gauge – if your cover is too tight or too loose, try removing or adding stitches on the sides of the cover.  As you are knitting, the cover will always look too small – it’s what keeps it snug.

Needles: size 3 circulars, at least 30” long for Magic Loop or double pointed needles.

Yarn: Sublime Soya Cotton DK, between 80-100 yards.


Loosely cast on 64 stitches, pattern is worked in the round.  Work in k1, p1 rib until the work measures about half an inch.  Begin lace stitch.

Row 1: k1, p3, k3, k2tog, k4, yo, p2, yo, k2tog, p2, yo, k4, sl1, k1, psso, k3, p3, k1.
Row 2 (and every even row): k1, p3, k9, p2, k2, p2, k9, p3, k1.
Row 3: k1, p3, k2, k2tog, k4, yo, k1, p2, k2tog, yo, p2, k1, yo, k4, sl1, k1, psso, k2, p3, k1.
Row 4: same as Row 2.
Row 5: k1, p3, k1, k2tog, k4, yo, k2, p2, yo, k2tog, p2, k2, yo, k4, sl1, k1, psso, k1, p3, k1.
Row 6: same as Row 2.
Row 7: k1, p3, k2tog, k4, yo, k3, p2, k2tog, yo, p2, k3, yo, k4, sl1, k1, psso, p3, k1.
Row 8: same as Row 2.

Repeat all rows until the Kindle 2 is completely covered.  Bind off using Kitchener’s stitch.

ERRATA: Row 3 should begin with k1, p3. Thanks Pam!

3 thoughts on “SPIRAL AND EYELET – Kindle 2 Cover

  1. Cute pattern but there is a mistake in row 3. It should start with K1, P3. I graphed it out, which is alot easier to follow. Thanks for the pattern.

    • Thanks Pam! If you have the graph on the computer or have a way to scan it, I would love to put it up on the site! That is, if you’re willing to share! ;) I will fix the mistake in the pattern right now.

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